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SAP LeanIX parmi les Leaders du 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ pour les solutions d’architecture d’entreprise pour la quatrième année consécutive
Consulter le rapport
Kit de réussite de la rationalisation d’applications

Découvrez comment débuter votre projet de rationalisation d’applications et obtenir des résultats concrets en quelques semaines seulement grâce à notre kit de réussite.

Télécharger le kit de réussite
The business transformation management playbook

Business transformation can be complex. The good news is, the right playbook makes that complexity manageable. Get your copy!

SAP LeanIX parmi les Leaders du 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ pour les solutions d’architecture d’entreprise pour la quatrième année consécutive
SAP LeanIX parmi les Leaders du 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ pour les solutions d’architecture d’entreprise pour la quatrième année consécutive
Le jeu de l'estimation : quel est le coût réel de la transformation d'entreprise ?
Lorsqu'on demande aux dirigeants comment ils restent compétitifs et gèrent la disruption, ils évoquent souvent la transformation d'entreprise sous une forme ou une autre.
Align business and IT for successful business transformation

Learn how SAP LeanIX and SAP Signavio support and encourage collaboration. Download this one-page poster now!

Transforming business: SAP Signavio and SAP LeanIX solutions

Watch the video and learn how SAP LeanIX and SAP Signavio solutions make business transformation manageable from planning to execution.

Achieving business transformation success

Check out this short infographic and discover the three keys to business transformation that never change!

Application Modernization: Free Success Kit

Download the Application Modernization Success Kit to access frameworks, best practices, and resources that guide your organization through effective application modernization and..

The SAP LeanIX + Collibra integration

Learn how you can combine SAP LeanIX and Collibra to align your data architecture and enterprise architecture in 4 steps.

Application modernization assessment with the 6Rs

Apply the AWS 6R framework (Replace, Re-architect, Re-platform, Re-host, Retain, Retire) to assess and categorize your applications for modernization.

Comment exploiter l’IA pour mieux gérer la transformation des entreprise
L’IA offre des opportunités précieuses dans la transformation des entreprises, mais les organisations doivent se demander si elles en exploitent tout le potentiel et quels sont..
AI Governance: Innovation, Expectations, and Risk

Watch on-demand for a brief look at generative AI trends and their impact on enterprise architects.

Confronting Uncertainty: Overcoming Obstacles and Leveraging Best Practices when Moving to SAP LeanIX

Seamless Transition to a Modern SaaS Enterprise Architecture Solution

AI readiness checklist

Are you prepared to leverage AI innovation? Use our AI readiness checklist to confirm you've looked at every aspect of your AI transformation.

From manual to automated: SAP landscape discovery for transformation readiness

Watch the on-demand webcast and see how the SAP landscape discovery feature in SAP LeanIX provides an automated method for gathering data about your SAP systems and services.

Accelerate the move to SAP S/4HANA and achieve a clean core with SAP LeanIX and SAP Signavio solutions

Watch the on-demand webcast and learn how the powerful combination of SAP LeanIX and SAP Signavio solutions can guide and support your move to SAP S/4HANA and a clean core.

Découvrez les complexités de la transformation d'entreprise
Découvrez ce que 800 dirigeants d'entreprises mondiales pensent et font pour atteindre leurs objectifs de transformation et d'optimisation continue.
Cartographie des capacités métier
Obtenez un aperçu détaillé de notre cartographie de capacités métier ou téléchargez la version complète
How to start your cloud transformation journey the right way

Cloud transformations must start on the right foot to be successful. That means comprehensive analyses, data accuracy, proper planning, and an actionable road map.

One-page snapshot: The Business Value of SAP LeanIX

Discover how SAP LeanIX delivers measurable ROI, with companies achieving a 290% return over three years. Download the Business Value Snapshot!

SAP LeanIX AI Survey Results 2024

LeanIX surveyed 226 IT professionals working for organizations across the world to find out how they're dealing with AI adoption and governance.

The Business Value of SAP LeanIX

Real ROI. Get your copy of the IDC white paper and see how SAP LeanIX delivers value for organizations just like yours.

The 5 types of obsolescent tech holding back your organization

Root out the inefficient, obsolete tech hiding in your IT landscape. Increase performance. Ignite innovation. Download the white paper and learn more!

Apply AI governance best practices now, with the power of EA

Enterprise Architecture done right accelerates your AI time-to-value

SAP LeanIX Savings Calculator
How much can you save with SAP LeanIX? Get an indication of the potential savings that SAP LeanIX could bring your organization.
The real ROI: IDC Insights on SAP LeanIX Success

Explore IDC's findings and hear real-world customer success stories

Audio webcast with guest speaker from IDC: The role of EA in business transformation success

Listen to this audio webcast where we sit down with IDC's Neil Ward-Dutton to explore critical business transformation trends, statistics, and market data.

Handling Economic Uncertainty Using Enterprise Architecture

During times of major fluctuations in the global market many companies carefully examine their IT budgets and optimize costs.

Explore Best-in-Class SAP LeanIX Data Management Capabilities

We will demonstrate how SAP LeanIX serves as the foundation for seamless data ingestion and management, enabling your enterprise to optimize workflows, enhance operational..

Navigating the Digital Frontier: Fireside Chat on Technology Lifecycle Management, Obsolescence, and the Role of AI
Watch this fireside where Bram Verswalm, Head of Product Management at LeanIX will sit down with guest speaker Charles Betz, VP Research Director at Forrester.
Setting the Stage for Growth with Data-Driven Application Rationalization and Portfolio Management

IDC surveyed 450 enterprises across the globe about their approaches, challenges and roadmaps with Application Rationalization and Portfolio Management.

SAP LeanIX IT Sustainability & ESG Survey Report
Only 40% of companies feel fully prepared to meet ESG regulations. Download your copy of the report and take a deeper dive into the findings. 
Breaking Barriers to Application Modernization

What’s keeping your business idle? Learn how to break the barriers to application modernization.

Insight, Communication, Engagement: How EA Supports Change Management 

Learn how to make change management part of your ERP transformation in a thoughtful way that results in faster time to value, less risk, and higher ROI. 

Comment protéger votre entreprise des risques d’obsolescence technologique
Ouvrez la voie à l’innovation et éliminez rapidement 30% de vos technologies obsolètes.
The 6Rs: A Basic Framework for Application Modernization

A solid foundation for creating an application modernization plan of action

Create an Application Modernization Road Map

What’s the hardest part of application modernization? Knowing where to start. Download the white paper and learn how to create an actionable road map to drive and support your..

5 Critical Steps to Change Management in ERP Transformation

Unlock ERP Success: 5 Essential Steps with Interactive Insights. Navigate your transformation journey with engaging elements.

Future-ready IT: Plan, build and run an application modernization road map
Watch this webinar "Future-ready IT: Plan, build and run an application modernization road map" for an immersive look at the process of preparing, planning and executing..
Gartner® Report: How to Choose the Right Approach for Application Modernization and Cloud Migration

In this comprehensive report, Gartner analyzes the results of its survey and provides expert guidance on application modernization and cloud migration approaches.

Les 5 étapes de la modernisation d’applications
Découvrez les 5 étapes d’une modernisation d’applications réussie et comment LeanIX peut vous aider.
Utiliser le modèle TIME de Gartner pour la rationalisation d’applications
Apprenez-en plus sur les quatre quadrants du modèle TIME de Gartner et découvrez comment développer la feuille de route pour la rationalisation de vos applications.
Application Rationalization Questionnaire

Download the questionnaire and see what data you need to get the ROI you want.

Commencez aujourd’hui avec le kit de réussite de la rationalisation d’applications
Mettez fin à la complexité incontrôlée et aux coûts excessifs avec LeanIX
LeanIX IT Cost Optimization Survey 2023
Découvrez les résultats de la nouvelle étude de LeanIX au sujet des défis et des chances qu’offre l’optimisation des coûts informatiques.
LeanIX SAP S/4HANA Survey
SAP S/4HANA Transformation is an Economic Imperative.
Getting it right: A holistic approach to SAP S/4HANA Transformations

Identify, plan and execute! Discover how LeanIX enables a holistic approach to your S/4HANA transformation.​

Le guide de la rationalisation des applications
Toutes les applications ne sont pas toujours essentielles pour le succès d’une entreprise. Découvrez dans ce guide comment la rationalisation des applications peut vous permettre..
Moët Hennessy Leverages Enterprise Architecture for SAP S/4HANA Transformation

Learn from Moet Hennessy how Enterprise Architecture served as the linchpin to help secure the migration to SAP S/4HANA and was the key enabler for a successful large-scale..

Successful ERP Transformation: The EAM Advantage

Replacing an existing ERP system with a newer, better ERP is complicated. The good news is, a data-driven, collaborative approach to EAM can pave the way to success.

The AI-Powered Enterprise Architecture: Redefining the Discipline's Future
Join experts from LeanIX and BCG for an interactive discussion on how AI can empower enterprise architects already today and in the future.
6 façons de réduire les coûts IT
Avec l’utilisation croissante de nouvelles technologies, les entreprises peuvent rapidement perdre le contrôle des dépenses liées à celles-ci. Ce poster illustre 6 manières..
Comment LeanIX facilite la transformation vers SAP S/4HANA
Téléchargez ce livre blanc et découvrez comment la solution de gestion d’architecture d’entreprise de LeanIX peut simplifier la transition vers SAP S/4HANA.
Réduire les coûts IT et les risques grâce à la rationalisation des applications
La rationalisation des applications est l’un des meilleurs moyens de réaliser des économies et de réduire les risques technologiques.
Préparer la voie vers SAP S/4HANA avec l’architecture d’entreprise
Il est temps d’établir la feuille de route de votre transformation numérique afin de préparer le passage de votre ancien système ERP SAP à SAP S/4HANA.
International Study: State of Developer Experience Survey 2022
New survey on DevOps initiatives and the state of developer experience.
Transformation vers SAP S/4HANA : Défis et solutions
Ce poster gratuit vous montre comment utiliser l'architecture d'entreprise pour surmonter les défis rencontrés lors de la transformation vers SAP S/4HANA.
6 façons d’assurer une transformation en douceur vers SAP S/4HANA
Utiliser les synergies entre gestion d’architecture d’entreprise et transformation des processus métier pour une transition en douceur vers SAP S/4HANA
The Leanix-Signavio integration: Align your EA and business processes
Operate in a unified language to enable seamless collaboration
ROI plus rapide avec LeanIX EAM
Avec LeanIX EAM, vous pouvez obtenir des informations utiles de vos données et transformer celles-ci en actions concrètes en un rien de temps.
Implication des architectes d'entreprise dans la transformation vers SAP S/4HANA
Un sondage intersectoriel à propos du rôle et des défis spécifiques rencontrés par les équipes d'AE pendant la transformation vers SAP S/4HANA.
Comment utiliser SAP Activate avec LeanIX EAM et SAP Signavio
Tirez parti des synergies entre technologies innovantes et un cadre de bonnes pratiques éprouvé pour accélérer votre transition vers SAP S/4HANA !
Implémentation de SAP S/4HANA : Greenfield vs. Brownfield
Découvrez quelles sont les principales différences entre les approches de transformation et comment passer en douceur vers SAP S/4HANA.
EA Maturity Assessment
Assess your EA practices in the dimensions of organization, use case, data, and technology.
Optimiser l'intégration post-acquisition grâce à l'architecture d'entreprise
Découvrez comment des outils d'architecture d'entreprise comme celui de LeanIX peuvent aider les entreprises à accélérer l'intégration informatique lors de projets de M&A.
Le rôle des architectes d'entreprise dans les opérations de M&A
Sondage M&A 2021 de LeanIX sur le rôle joué par les architectes d'entreprise dans les opérations de M&A telles que l'intégration post-acquisition.
4 étapes vers une opération M&A réussie avec LeanIX
Téléchargez ce poster pour découvrir comment LeanIX aide les équipes responsables de l’architecture d’entreprise à accélérer l’ensemble des opérations informatiques après une..
Elevating Business Capabilities With Pace-Layering

A 3-step guide plus best practices on extending Gartner's pace-layering strategy to business capability models.

De la dette technique à plus de durabilité : Priorités des architectes d’entreprise en 2022
Vous voulez savoir si vos propres priorités correspondent à celles de plus d’une centaine d’équipes IT du monde entier ? Téléchargez votre copie du sondage.
Successful M&A Is Data Driven

A Forrester Consulting thought leadership paper commissioned by LeanIX on leveraging IT involvement at various M&A planning stages.

How to use SAP LeanIX's Maturity Assessment Model

Measure your EA maturity and find out what you need to get to the next level

Les bonnes pratiques pour définir des cartographies de capacités métier
Ce modèle de cartographie des capacités métier vous aide à faire vos premiers pas et à créer une vue d’ensemble complète de vos capacités métier.
Le guide ultime des capacités métier
Découvrez tout ce que vous devez savoir sur les capacités métier et comment modéliser celles-ci en 4 étapes simples. La cartographie des capacités métier peut faciliter les..
How Network Rail Transformed Its Enterprise Architecture with LeanIX

Join Christopher Hardwick from Network Rail as he shares his experience with SAP LeanIX.

IDC: Why application rationalization helps accelerate organizational growth

In this expert webinar, George Mironescu, Associate Research Director with IDC Europe, will walk you through the study results and provide valuable insight into how to address..

Increase the value and ROI of your EA practice

In this expert webinar, Dominik Söhnle, Senior Consultant at LeanIX, will explore how to use this tool to diagnose your EA maturity and discover what you need to elevate your EA..

Cprime partners with SAP LeanIX to help maximize the business impact of technology investments

This webinar reveals how global consulting firm Cprime partnered with SAP LeanIX to gain a comprehensive, real-time view of TCO across their Enterprise Architecture (EA), Finance,..

A deeper dive into SAP LeanIX's EA Maturity Assessment Model

This webinar reveals how global consulting firm Cprime partnered with SAP LeanIX to gain a comprehensive, real-time view of TCO across their Enterprise Architecture (EA), Finance,..

Generative AI in EA: SAP LeanIX and Accenture evolve the discipline

Whether your organization is considering GenAI or already on the path of integration, this webinar will provide you with valuable knowledge and practical insights into leveraging..

Kit de réussite de l'architecture d'entreprise
Tout ce qu’il vous faut pour obtenir un retour sur investissement rapide et réussir sur le long terme grâce à l’AE.
Feuille de route pour l’architecture d’entreprise
6 étapes pour obtenir rapidement une valeur ajoutée durable.
L’architecte d’entreprise de demain
Découvrez les 5 caractéristiques de l’architecte d’entreprise moderne et comment acquérir celles-ci pour être et rester performant à l’ère du numérique.
Réorganiser son IT avec 24 vues clés de l’architecture d’entreprise
24 vues clés pour votre architecture informatique. Ce poster vous présente les rapports clés de l’architecture d’entreprise, nécessaires au succès de votre entreprise.
Best Practices to Define Tech Categories

This poster leverages visual technology stack examples to enable you to create the perfect tech. stack for your organization.

Ce à quoi prêter attention pour le choix d’un outil d’AE moderne
Découvrez comment les outils d’AE traditionnels vous empêchent de générer de la valeur ajoutée pour votre entreprise et voyez ce qui distingue les outils d’AE modernes.
Business Capability Map for the Finance Industry

Get your business capability map for the finance industry. Business capability modeling is a technique for the representation of an organization’s business anchor model..

Best practices to define conceptual data objects

This 1-page graphic reveals 7 best-practice principles for modeling your organization’s data objects, along with an overview of conceptual data objects to help you get started.

Un cadre agile pour la mise en œuvre de TOGAF® avec LeanIX
Découvrez comment mettre en œuvre TOGAF® rapidement et efficacement avec un outil d’architecture d’entreprise lean.
Tirer parti de la valeur de votre AE plus rapidement grâce au Méta-Modèle LeanIX
Un aperçu du Méta-Modèle LeanIX, qui vous aidera à garder une vue d’ensemble simple et structurée de votre environnement informatique.
Business Capability Map for the Manufacturing Industry

Get your business capability map for the manufacturing industry. Business capability modeling is a technique for the representation of an organization’s business anchor model..

Seven Use Cases Solved With Enterprise Architecture

Three areas where Enterprise Architecture Management adds value—and the nine most commonly solved used cases.

Comparaison des rôles dans l’architecture informatique
Découvrez quelles sont les responsabilités communes et les différences entre un business architect, un architecte d’entreprise, un architecte solutions et un architecte technique.
Integrate ITFM & Enterprise Architecture

With the partnership and product integration between LeanIX and Apptio, enterprises have a direct link between the technology landscape and IT spending.

24 Key Enterprise Architecture Views for the Financial Services Industry

See how enterprise architecture supports banking and financial services by aligning business and IT strategy for digital transformation.

Business Capability Map for the Energy Industry

Get your business capability map for the energy industry. Business capability modeling is a technique for the representation of an organization’s business anchor model independent..

The Definitive Guide to Application Portfolio Management

Learn everything you need to know about application portfolio management (APM), including best practices, how to get started with APM and a complete guide on application portfolio..

Utiliser l'architecture d'entreprise pour la transformation vers SAP S/4HANA
Passer de votre système ERP actuel à SAP S/4HANA n'est pas une mince affaire. Découvrez comment accélérer votre transformation grâce à l'architecture d'entreprise.
Comment répondre aux principales questions des acteurs de l’architecture d’entreprise
Du DSI au responsable informatique : voyez comment répondre aux principales questions des parties prenantes de votre organisation à l'aide de graphiques clairs.
Integrate EA and ITSM with the LeanIX ServiceNow Integration

This poster illustrates how we bridge the gap between Enterprise Architecture (EA) and IT Service Management (ITSM).

The Blueprint For a Modern IT Management Stack

This poster gives you a blueprint for a modern IT Management Stack.

The Complete Overview of Enterprise Integration Patterns

Outlines of common integration projects for IT and Business Architecture to help you design your own.

EA Success Kit: Enterprise Architecture in Manufacturing

A step-by-step guide for the manufacturing industry on how to manage enterprise architecture programs. 

Enterprise Architecture Views for the Manufacturing Industry

See how enterprise architecture supports manufacturers by aligning business and IT strategy. Easily answer stakeholder questions with these 24 views.

Top Stakeholder Questions for Enterprise Architecture in Manufacturing

A visual guide to the key views and reports needed by enterprise architects in the manufacturing industry to easily answer stakeholder questions.

Align Global Manufacturing Through Application Rationalization

A guide for the manufacturing industry on how to use enterprise architecture to consolidate costs, mitigate risks, and inspire innovation.

The Manufacturer's Guide to Business Capabilities

A complete guide for the manufacturing industry on how to model and create value from business capabilities.

Enterprise Architecture Management as Crucial Factor for the Energy Turnaround

Watch this free webinar to hear our partner, PwC, on how EA helps the energy industry to invest in IT and exploit the benefits of.

How to Shape the Transition Path Towards Digital Manufacturing – an IoT Story

Watch this free webinar to get into the requirements for an IoT transformation into digital manufacturing.

24 Key Enterprise Architecture Views for the Energy Industry

See how enterprise architecture supports the energy sector by aligning business and IT strategy for innovation and transformation activities.

Success Kit: EA for Energy & Utilities

By aligning strategy with the technology to meet enterprise-level goals, enterprise architecture enables data-driven decision making for energy companies.

Smart Enterprise Architecture Governance in an Agile World

This poster offers visual guides to leveraging the principles, frameworks, and benefits of EA governance in agile environments.

How to Manage IT Regulations for Financial Institutions

A free white paper on improving data security and IT compliance in financial institutions using an EA management tool.

Success Kit: EA for Financial Services & Banking

Tech is both the largest opportunity and the greatest threat to banks and financial services. Enterprise architecture can help institutions keep pace.

Business Capability Map for the Pharmaceuticals Industry

Download our poster to see how IT and business capabilities work together to promote innovation in the pharmaceutical industry.

Success Kit: EA for the Pharma Industry

By aligning strategy with the technology to meet business goals, enterprise architecture enables data-driven decision making for pharmaceutical companies.

24 Enterprise Architecture Views for the Pharma Industry

This poster gives you an overview of 24 Key Enterprise Architecture reports your business needs to succeed in the pharmaceuticals industry.

12 étapes pour une meilleure IT
En tant qu’architecte d’entreprise, vous êtes chargé(e) d’aligner métier et IT de manière optimale pour créer de la valeur ajoutée. Découvrez comment y parvenir en 12 étapes.
Best Practice Business Capability Maps

The question every competitive organization must answer: What is being done to implement our business strategy? Defining a Business Capability Map using industry best practices.

From Models to Data: The Rise of Data-driven Architectures

Changing demands on Enterprise Architects require different approaches to tooling. 

Fact Sheet Relations and the Impact on LeanIX Reports

In this webinar, Enrique Trejo (Head of Customer Support EU at LeanIX) goes through the internal structure and relations of LeanIX Fact Sheets and their impact on different LeanIX..

How to Effectively Roll Out LeanIX at Your Company

In this webinar, Patrick Schober, LeanIX's Dir. Professional Services, shares best practices on how to roll out LeanIX in your company and useful approaches that have helped many..

How to adapt the LeanIX EA Suite Data Model to Your Company Infrastructure

In this webinar, Kai Stettner, our Customer Success Manager, shares best practices on modelling on-premises and cloud infrastructure (e.g., SAP, SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, middleware) in..

How EA Contributes to Business Continuity, Remote Work and Cost Savings

COVID-19, heavily impacted organizations. This webinar provides insights on how EAs should step up and manage their IT infrastructure and business processes during a crisis.

How to Boost Data Automation and Quality with LeanIX Integration API

In this webinar, together with our customer, KUKA, we deep dive into LeanIX Integration API, to show how it can establish a simpler and safer connection between your third-party..

Accelerating SAP S/4HANA Transformation with LeanIX

In this webinar, representatives from Deloitte offer their perspectives on the value of using LeanIX in the initial phases of an SAP S/4HANA transformation.

How to Boost Employee Productivity with the LeanIX Self-Service Portal

Watch this recording to learn how leveraging the new, zero-cost LeanIX Self-Service Portal can boost employee productivity and save you time

How to Accelerate Change With the LeanIX Business Transformation Management Module

Watch this recording and learn how the LeanIX Business Transformation Management (BTM) module can help you.

Best Practices to Define SaaS Business Capability Maps

This business capability map was created to assist SaaS companies in creating an in-depth overview of their business capabilities, helping represent a business anchor model..

How Tokio Marine Advanced Their EA Strategy with LeanIX

Learn why shifting to a modern enterprise architecture tool was critical to build a unified, global EA practice.

How to Transform Your Organization With Business Capabilities

Watch this on-demand webinar to learn how business capability modeling influences Enterprise Architects' role in post-merger harmonization, technology risk management, and..

LeanIX M&A Survey: Enterprise Architects - The Secret Heroes of Merger & Acquisition Projects

Watch this on-demand webinar hosted by The Open Group, where LeanIX shares all the insights from the LeanIX M&A Survey and why EAs play a significant role in M&A.

How Enterprise Architecture Management Supported Post-merger Integrations at ZF

Watch this on-demand webinar to hear from our customer, ZF Friedrichshafen AG, what their experience was with the post-merger integration of WABCO.

Brownfield to Future: Four Steps to Make Your Digital Production Platform a Success

A white paper from Deloitte and LeanIX on connecting digital and core businesses when creating digital production platforms. 

Fit für die Zukunft: Business Transformation aktiv voranbringen

Zusammen mit unserem zertifizierten Partner EFS Consulting, hatten wir Ihnen einen detaillierten Einblick in die Funktionen des LeanIX Business Transformation Management-Moduls..

Wie die S/4HANA-Transformation mit EAM und BPM gelingt

Wie die S/4HANA-Transformation mit EAM und BPM gelingt

Wie eng arbeiten Ihre Fachabteilungen und die IT zusammen? Spätestens im Zuge der Migration auf S/4HANA sollten Sie mögliche..

How Enterprise Architecture Can Contribute to Delivering Agile Transformation

A joint white paper from PwC and LeanIX on enabling the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) with modern EAM tools.

Matrice d’évaluation des fournisseurs SaaS
Évaluez les fournisseurs de services SaaS, nouveaux ou existants, sur la base des critères importants pour votre entreprise : sécurité, fonctionnalités produit, coûts, services..
Unleash the combined power of Business Process Transformation and Enterprise Architecture
During this 45-minutes recording, our LeanIX and SAP Signavio experts show you how to capitalize on the business transformation to enable continuous improvement.
How Product Managers can influence Lead time for Changes (LTFC)
Watch this recording to see how product managers can influence Lead time for Changes (LTFC)
Accelerate Transformation with Enterprise Architecture Management
Move Forward with Insight into Your Transformation Journey.
LeanIX reconnue leader dans le SPARK Matrix™: Enterprise Architecture (EA) Tools, 2022
Un rapport sur le marché mondial des outils d’architecture d’entreprise
Handling Economic Uncertainty Using Enterprise Architecture

Learn best practices for using Enterprise Architecture to navigate challenging economic pressure and help ensure resilience.

Leverage your data as a critical business asset with LeanIX-Collibra integration
The availability of accurate, reliable data within an organization is key to making data-driven decisions. However, the increasing amount of data that needs to be managed and..
Boost productivity and Data Quality with Automations
This presentation will equip you with the overview of the potential to automate LeanIX, the knowledge to reduce manual data upkeep, maintain data quality across Fact Sheets, and..