Enterprise-Ready, Secure and
Trusted SaaS Solution

Trust is the cornerstone of any successful partnership, which is why we provide every customer a reliable and secure SaaS offering. And since we believe trust also requires transparency, this page gives you an overview of how we protect your data and ensure compliance and system availability.



Your organization relies on access the availability of our software which thrives us to do everything in our power to ensure all systems are up and running at all times.

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Security & Compliance

Security & Compliance

We are ISO27001, SOC 2, Cyber Essentials Plus and TISAX certified, compliant with GDPR and have several measures in place to ensure security.

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We believe in transparency and therefore want to make it easy for you to find all relevant security and trust resources in one place.

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You rely on us delivering the best and most reliable SaaS, which is why we build on modern technologies, best-in-class processes and transparency to ensure the availability of our solution.


Building on Modern Technologies

An important part of ensuring availability is building a reliable foundation. For this reason, we decided to implement our software on the basis of a Microservices Architecture. Also, we make use of state-of-the-art technologies such as GraphQL to offer a graph-based API, and we aim to have a reasonable and maintainable tech stack, which can be viewed e.g. on stackshare.io.

  • Microservices Architecture

    Our software is divided into multiple component services (Microservices) to quickly and accurately repair or update bits and parts of the product without compromising the integrity of the application.

  • Graph-based API

    With our state-of-the-art graph-based API (leveraging GraphQL developed by Facebook), we provide an excellent way to request exactly what you need, improving response times.

  • Transparent Tech Stack

    We're built ourselves on a modern technology stack and are happy to share it. Learn more on https://stackshare.io/leanix


Transparent Performance Monitoring

We use different systems and mechanisms to monitor the performance as well as the availability and response-times of our SAP LeanIX solution. In case of incidents, we have a dedicated on-call-engineer who is available 24/7 to solve the incident.

  • Availability and Response-Time

    We make the availability and response-times of our software publicly available to you via

  • Application Performance

    Using solutions like Pingdom and Instana, we constantly monitor SAP LeanIX’s performance to stay aware of issues.

  • Dedicated 24/7 On-call-Engineer Setup

    Similar to a nurse in a hospital, our on-call engineer is always available to fix critical issues to ensure a speedy resolution.


Build for Scale

SAP LeanIX is built for scale, and if you're looking for an enterprise-ready role and rights management system, we’ve got you covered. We also allow customers to manage users from a single, central directory using either the SAP LeanIX Identity Management or any 3rd party SSO Identity Provider.

  • Built-in Identity Management

    SAP LeanIX comes with a build in Identity Management and a comprehensive roles and rights model to ensure compliance.

  • Integrate with SSO Identity Providers

    Have a 3rd party SSO Identity Provider in place? Not a problem—SAP LeanIX can easily integrate with all SAML 2.0 compliant providers.

  • Scalable Hosting

    Hosting via Microsoft Azure allows SAP LeanIX to be reached worldwide and guarantees maximum availability.

Security & Compliance

Data security is our top priority. For this reason, we have introduced several processes and regulations to ensure the security of your data and enable better compliance.

Learn more in our public Information Security Policy.

Security & Compliance

Data Security

We ensure data protection and are committed to keeping customer information safe and secure.
We are ISO 27001, SOC 2, Cyber Essentials Plus and TISAX certified.
Also, we have robust password policies in place and ensure data encryption. And by following the Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP) we ensure only necessary privileges are given.


SOC 2 Compliance

SAP LeanIX is SOC 2 Type 2 certified for its Continuous Transformation Platform by an independent auditor. The SOC 2 report is based on the trust service criteria relevant to Security, Availability, Confidentiality and Privacy.


ISO 27001 certified

With ISO 27001 Certification for Information Security Management System, we comply with the highest, industry-leading global security standards.

ISO 27001 Certification for SAP LeanIX GmbH
ISO 27001 Certification for SAP LeanIX Inc

Tisax Logo


SAP LeanIX has been successfully audited by an independent assessor as meeting the requirements of Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange (TISAX) assessment level 2. TISAX assessment confirms SAP LeanIX’s commitment to comply with the information security requirements of automotive sector.

Cyber Essentials Logo

Cyber Essentials Plus

SAP LeanIX is Cyber Essentials Plus certified, as confirmed by an independent auditor. This UK certification provides assurance that a number of key information security controls are in place within an organization.

STAR Level One Logo

STAR Level 1

SAP LeanIX is listed in the Cloud Security Alliance's Security, Trust, Assurance and Risk (STAR) registry. Customers and prospective customers can view our STAR Level 1 entry and access our completed CAIQ here.

Solution Provider SaaS Logo

Cloud Security Alliance Membership

SAP LeanIX is a Corporate Member of Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) as a SaaS Solution Provider.


Trusted Cloud Provider

SAP LeanIX has received Trusted Cloud Provider status from Cloud Security Alliance. SAP LeanIX has been a CSA Corporate Member, volunteers regularly for CSA, and have at least one staff member who has earned their CCSK certification.

Security & Compliance

Security Baked-in

We believe that security must be part of the foundation, so we rely on secure hosting partners and regular penetration testing. In addition, we have a dedicated security team focused on the highest levels of security and compliance.

Robust Password Policies
  • Data Encryption
    Data is encrypted in transit using TLS 1.3 protocol with strong ECDHE ciphers.
  • Robust Password Policies
    To ensure data security on an employee level, passwords are hashed using a strong bcrypt algorithm. Strong password configurations along with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) are enforced in line with global best practices.
  • Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP)
    We follow the Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP) and employees are given only privileges that are necessary for performing their duties.
  • Secure Hosting
    Our data center partner Microsoft Azure complies with the highest standards - ISO and SOC certified.
  • Regular Penetration Testing
    External penetration tests are performed by experts on a regular basis. Internal penetration tests and vulnerability assessment scans are performed by dedicated in-house information security team.
  • Dedicated Security Team
    With a dedicated SAP LeanIX Security Team, we ensure data compliance and security and tackle new certifications.

Trust & Security Resources

Find links to resources covering relevant information on SAP LeanIX’s Availability, Modern Architecture, Data Security and Compliance.