How mature is your enterprise architecture?
Take our assessment to find out.

Get personalized suggestions for quick wins and best practices to up level your EA

Increasing the maturity of enterprise architecture (EA) impacts its relevance in the organization. When stakeholders better recognize enterprise architecture's benefits and added value, more teams across the organization get involved in strategic decisions and initiatives, leading to a more reliable outcome.

With this maturity model, LeanIX provides a framework that helps assess your EA practices in the dimensions of organization, use case, data, and technology.

Together with the results, you will get recommendations on realizing quick wins and best practices for the long-term evolution of your enterprise architecture.


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Organizational Maturity

Rate these four statements to assess your maturity of embedding EA into the organization. This includes people-factors like buy-in and enablement of stakeholders, integrating EA into processes and establishing EA governance.

Our Enterprise Architecture (EA) practice has a clear vision focused on improving business outcomes.
(1) = EA is used to provide transparency about IT portfolio / (10) = EA strictly driven by use cases and their contribution to business value
Our EA practice plays a strategic role in all relevant IT processes.
(1) = No strategic relevance of EA / (10) = EA naturally consumed as part of all IT related processes
Our EA practice has buy-in from top management and has influence across the business.
(1) = Top Management is not aware or engaging with EA at all / (10) = C-Level buy-in beyond IT is secured
Our EA practice is included by relevant stakeholders for business and IT initiatives.
(1) = EA practice has no crossing points with stakeholders in the organization / (10) = Strong collaboration between EA and all relevant business & IT stakeholder

Use Case Maturity

Rate these four statements to assess your maturity of using LeanIX to fulfill strategic (EA-related) planning and continuous transformation of the IT portfolio. Includes journey towards a holistic management of IT spanning from classic corporate IT to cloud native & product IT.

For each use case, our EA practice has developed a clear business case that is regularly reviewed and verified.
(1) = No use cases defined / (10) = Use cases in scope operationalised and future roadmap of use cases defined
We have established quantitative and qualitative goals for our EA practice.
(1) = No deliverables (quantitative or qualitative) defined / (10) = Qualitative and quantitative objectives defined with focus on business impact
Our strategic business transformations are supported by the EA practice.
(1) = Business transformation not considered by EA / (10) = All strategic transformation initiatives are supported by EA
The Application Portfolio Management component of our EA practice adds value beyond IT.
(1) = APM not yet tackled by EA / (10) = APM is continuously adding value to the business

Data Maturity

Rate these four statements to assess your maturity of the data used to drive decisions in IT and EA in regard to quality and quantity. Includes elements of data collection, data accessibility, data structure, and decision-making.

Data in our EA inventory is updated with little manual effort.
(1) = Data need repetitive manual update / (10) = Data updated in real-time
The data quality in our EA inventory is continuously assured across the enterprise architecture portfolio.
(1) = No data quality assurance / (10) = Data quality assured across the whole IT portfolio
We continuously collect new data based on new use cases.
(1) = Collection of new data to extend EA footprint is out of scope / (10) = Streamlined collection of new data based on a joint understanding of new use cases
Our management trust EA data for decision-making.
(1) = Data not used for decision making / (10) = Data used as a key source for decision making

Technology Maturity

Rate these four statements to assess your maturity of using available technology to support your Transformation. Includes the use of EA tooling as well as integrations, 3rd party systems, automation and workflows.

We use our EA tool as a platform to support business transformation, rather than solely as an architecture repository.
(1) = EA tool as a standalone solution / (10) = EA tool as a IT transformation platform
Our EA tool is well integrated into our IT ecosystem (e.g., Process Management & Mining, IT service management, CMDB, Project management, IT financial management).
(1) = No integrations in place or planned / (10) = Integrated EA platform across IT domains
Our EA tool collaborates seamlessly with third-party solutions, enhancing automated data discovery processes.
(1) = Third-party solution not in scope / (10) = Third-party solutions fully integrated
In our EA tool, we leverage automatic data maintenance and automated triggering of action items for users.
(1) = No use of automation or discovery features / (10) = Extensive use of automations and discovery features
Which of these use cases are relevant to your organization?
What are the main challenges for your EA practice?
What is the size of your Application Portfolio you need to manage?
Applications are software systems or programs that process or analyze business data to support business tasks, processes, or aspects of an organization's business model.

You are an Explorer

Level 1
Level 1
Level 2
Level 2
Shooting Star
Level 3
Level 3
Level 4
Level 4
Level 5
Level 5

See your full maturity assessment report

Access your report to understand better why you are an Explorer and get recommendations on advancing your Enterprise Architecture practice to the next level.

What is in the report?

  • An analysis of your score in each of the four categories
  • Actionable guidance on how to reach the next maturity level in each category
  • Access to supporting resources
  • A downloadable report