
SAP LeanIX AI Survey Results 2024

SAP LeanIX surveyed 226 IT professionals working for organizations across the world to find out how they're dealing with AI adoption and governance.

SAP LeanIX AI Survey Results 2024

80% of companies are leveraging generative AI

90% of IT experts say they need a clear view of AI use in their organizations

14% say they actually have the overview of AI that they need

It's clear that AI is not on the horizon, it's already here. Organizations need a thorough understanding of how AI is being leveraged by their employees and they need it now.

Yet, less than 15% of organizations believe they have the AI oversight they need to leverage the technology safely. Organizations are flying blind when it comes to AI and we're already seeing case studies of companies that have run into problems.

Understanding how AI is being used in your organization requires gaining clarity into your application portfolio and IT landscape. That's exactly what SAP LeanIX can offer.

Access the full report to learn more, including:

  • How organizations around the world are leveraging AI
  • What concerns about AI are holding organizations back
  • Who is responsible for AI adoption and governance
  • Which organizations are ready to meet AI regulation

Access the report