The UK government's G-Cloud Digital Marketplace is a digital store where public sector organizations can purchase reliable, best-of-breed cloud applications. Discover why SAP LeanIX has now been included in this list of vital services.
SAP LeanIX is now available through the UK government's G-Cloud Digital Marketplace. We see this as a testament to the value of SAP LeanIX for public sector organizations.
Government agencies are under increasing pressure to offer innovative digital services to ensure increased accessibility to modern citizens. Simultaneously, turbulent economic conditions prescribe doing this with reduced resources.
To complete a full digital transformation, public sector organizations need to streamline and optimize their IT infrastructure, and prepare it for innovative new technology. This requires deep understanding of your current and target IT architecture, and that's what SAP LeanIX provides.
To find out more about the SAP LeanIX solutions that are available through the G-Cloud Digital Marketplace, book a demo:
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What Is The UK Government's G-Cloud
The UK government's G-Cloud Digital Marketplace is an online store where public sector agencies can directly purchase reliable, best-of-breed cloud services. It's a curated list of the best-of-breed tools agencies need to optimize their digital operations.
First offered in 2012 as CloudStore, the service is a curated list of trustworthy software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications that allows organizations to purchase the listed tools directly. The service was designed to encourage and enable UK public sector organizations to leverage the cloud in a transparent fashion as part of the government's Cloud First initiative.
The goal of the service was to standardize the services being leveraged by UK government agencies and also provide transparency on what tools were being purchased. While initially designed to encourage the use of small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) vendors, G-Cloud now boasts Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft as contracted G-Cloud vendors.
The latest G-Cloud version 14 was released in November 2024 to a transformed, post-COVID market. As well as offering a digital marketplace to public sector agencies, G-Cloud now acts as a government-verified list of the best-of-breed services for government organizations.
Being included as an available service on G-Cloud is an indication of the quality and reliability of a SaaS tool, as well as its value for public sector agencies. That's why SAP LeanIX is delighted to now be available through G-Cloud.
The Value Of SAP LeanIX For The Public Sector
SAP LeanIX portfolio's inclusion in the UK government's G-Cloud is a validation of its value as a solution for public sector agencies. Application portfolio management is as much of an issue for government agencies as it is for companies and enterprise architecture management software can help.
As organizations grow and develop organically over time, it's only natural for them to:
- add new software applications to their portfolio
- find older applications become less useful over time
- need to re-organize their IT architecture in order to leverage innovative tools
- discover their employees using useful, but risky unsanctioned tools to support their work
- suffer from security vulnerabilities being exploited by cyber criminals
Without supervision, this can leave your organization dealing with:
- a software portfolio of new tools that don't fit with your older applications
- legacy applications that are still being used long after they ceased to be useful
- incompatibility preventing you from leveraging new tools
- users being forced to source their own software as yours is no longer fit for purpose
- a lack of organization creating gaps in your cyber security
- frustrated users and draconian, innovation-averse IT teams trying to hold everything together
This situation is challenging for enterprise, but it's even more difficult for the public sector, where budgets are tighter and software use is often prescribed by policy. A fractured and inefficient software portfolio, however, can waste even more resource and cripple an agency's efficiency.
This was why the UK government created the G-Cloud, to empower organizations with efficient, reliable tools at reasonable prices. Leveraging new, cloud-first tools, however, doesn't do anything to help you deal with legacy applications and a lack of compatibility.
To empower a digital transformation for the public sector, you first need to have a complete picture of your application portfolio and the IT components that support it. The solution to that is SAP LeanIX, which is why we're now offered through G-Cloud.
How SAP LeanIX Works
Leveraging SAP LeanIX through G-Cloud empowers you with complete oversight and clarity on your IT landscape. It does this by providing a visualized map of your application portfolio.
Each software application and IT component in your landscape will have a comprehensive, customized fact sheet contained within SAP LeanIX. This will document all the information you need to know about each individual application and its connection to the others.
Any gaps in your data can be filled in by advanced integrations and automated user surveys you can carry out from within the solution. You can even add your own fields to log everything from artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data.
Once this information is in place, you can use advanced analytics tools to gain deep insight into your portfolio as a whole. Even better, the information can be visualized and shared with your stakeholders directly from within SAP LeanIX.
You can even use the tool as a sandbox environment to design and road map your transformation through to your new architecture. Move a slider back and forth on a timeline to show your stakeholders how your transformation will progress.
We've recently expanded the visualization capabilities within the tool and our customers are telling us that their leadership teams are asking them to see data directly in SAP LeanIX, rather than in a presentation. That's how user-friendly and accessible SAP LeanIX is.
The goal of all this is to democratize the discipline of enterprise architecture and business transformation. Rather than placing the gargantuan task of transformation in the hands of a small IT team, you can engage everyone in your organization to work to improve your application portfolio.
One of our customers even ran a "kill an app" competition where they offered rewards to any employee who could recommend a legacy application for retirement that was successfully offboarded. This empowers your entire organization to guide the development of your application toolset to optimize their productivity.
It's just as important for the public sector as the private, and perhaps even more so. When budgets are tight and your options are limited, understanding how your IT landscape fits together is even more vital.
Access SAP LeanIX Through G-Cloud
SAP LeanIX is now available to UK public sector agencies through the G-Cloud Digital Marketplace. Agencies can leverage our advanced solution portfolio to analyze their IT landscape and inform business and digital transformation to optimize their operations.
You can engage with SAP LeanIX in confidence that we've been identified as a best-of-breed tool by the UK government, under standardized contract terms and fees. To leverage the SAP LeanIX solution portfolio for your agency, access our listing on G-Cloud now: