SAP Sapphire is just wrapping up and LeanIX has added a range of new functionality for our solutions. Discover all the new enterprise architecture tools you'll soon be able to leverage.
SAP Sapphire is the premier conference for SAP customers, where industry leaders can discover innovative ways to leverage SAP tools and drive business transformation. This is the first time LeanIX has joined the event as an SAP company, and we brought a huge list of updates and announcements.
We're most excited about the new features that we've added to our solution to better support enterprise architects and business transformation leaders. These range from enhanced integrations with SAP to a variety of features designed to make our solution more accessible to non-technical stakeholders.
Not to mention, we announced our SAP LeanIX capabilities in Joule to help enterprise architects leverage generative artificial intelligence (AI) to improve their productivity and efficiency. We're excited for you to see the potential for LeanIX and Joule to revolutionize the way you work.
It's not too late to catch all the highlights from SAP Sapphire by signing up to SAP Sapphire Virtual, where you can watch guided summaries of the event.
JOIN: SAP Sapphire Virtual
Seamlessly Integrate With The SAP Ecosystem
LeanIX is designed to surface the complexities that exist within your IT landscape, highlighting inefficiencies and where improvements can be made. Our toolset enables business transformation by mapping your current estate, so you can streamline it and then plan a path from where you are to where you want to be.
This is why LeanIX has joined the family of SAP companies. Leveraging LeanIX, SAP customers can chart all the SAP and non-SAP solutions that support their enterprise resource planning (ERP) landscape.
This is key, as achieving parity between your existing and target ERP architecture is vital for building value through ERP transformation. You need to know what your current ERP estate is doing for your users in order to improve it, and the faster and more automated this process is, the easier your transformation will be.
To best support SAP customers undergoing ERP transformation, we're enhancing our SAP discovery services with advanced automation. This will include your SAP landscape, reference architecture, and cloud application lifecycle.
SAP Landscape Discovery
Having a complete map of your SAP landscape is key for making the right strategic decisions about your ERP transformation. To enable this, the new and enhanced LeanIX SAP landscape discovery feature provides you with a complete overview of your cloud and on-premise SAP estate by automatically inventorying application data to reduce manual effort.
Reference Business Architecture
Once you have a map of your SAP architecture, you need to expand it with detailed information. LeanIX now provides access to the reference architecture information, so you can build out your business capability maps as well as select appropriate tooling from SAP. The reference business architecture enables you to easily adopt best practice business capability maps tailored to industries into your LeanIX workspace and adjust it according to your organization.
To find out more, read our documentation.
BTP Reference Architecture
You can also access pre-built, customizable diagrams, and shapes specifically designed for the SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP). This will accelerate the creation of BTP extensions while keeping your core clean.
SAP Cloud ALM Integration For Projects
Our new integration with SAP Cloud ALM synchronizes information between LeanIX and Cloud ALM. Through the integration, you can import projects from Cloud ALM into LeanIX and export projects from LeanIX to Cloud ALM. This ensures your projects are aligned with your enterprise architecture work, allowing the communication of project milestones, the maintenance of a shared transformation road map, the assessment of impact, and enhanced collaboration across different business units.
Keep an eye on our public roadmap for the releases of BTP reference architectures and SAP Cloud ALM integration for projects.
AI Capabilities In LeanIX
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) poses a two-pronged question for enterprise architects. On the one hand, enterprise architects are being called on to lead the charge on AI adoption, but equally, like everyone else, they need to decide how to best leverage the tool in their own work.
To support enterprise architects, we've added functionality to LeanIX for both of these areas. We've extended our meta-model to include best practice for AI adoption and governance, while also expanding the AI capabilities of LeanIX itself.
This will empower enterprise architects to support the implementation and maintenance of AI tools into their IT landscape. Meanwhile, the AI functionality within our platform will increase productivity and deal with menial tasks to save time for creativity.
Meta Model Extension For AI Adoption And Governance
The LeanIX meta model is a customizable best-practise template for how to organize your IT infrastructure. We've now added guidance on how to best adopt AI tools into your architecture and ensure proper governance.
Driving Efficiency And Speed With AI Capabilities
LeanIX is now equipped with a variety of built-in AI capabilities, powered by SAP LeanIX capabilities in Joule, allowing our users to perform day-to-day tasks instantly and automatically surface insights. Joule can then turn these insights into consumable content for your stakeholders to keep them informed while you focus on strategic endeavors.
Improved Navigation With AI Chatbot
Rather than training all your stakeholders on how to quickly find the information they need within LeanIX, wouldn't it be easier if they could just ask our tool directly? Any user can now type a question into our query window within LeanIX and SAP LeanIX capabilities in Joule will respond with a context-based answer including a link to a data view, diagram, or report.
AI Recommendation For Actionable Use Cases
The SAP LeanIX capabilities in Joule are now connected to the LeanIX Architecture Knowledge Base, and can use this information to analyze your IT landscape and make recommendations. Joule can suggest application rationalization, opportunities to improve functional or technical fit, and where outdated technology should be replaced, as well as listing the steps you need to take in order to succeed in those transformations.
To find out more about the SAP LeanIX capabilities in Joule, read our documentation.
Enhance The Enterprise Architecture Experience
Enterprise architecture is essential for synergizing your technology with your strategy. The key capability of the discipline is in bringing disparate parts of your organization together into alignment.
On the one hand, you need to ensure that your organization is using a harmonious toolset and working together to support necessary transformation. Yet, you also need them to provide you with key information regarding their working practices and tools.
Achieving this is easier when you democratize enterprise architecture, making it a company-wide process that you guide, rather than solely your responsibility. To achieve this, you need enterprise architecture collaboration tools like LeanIX.
That's why we're continuing to expand the experience of our toolset to make it easier for non-enterprise architects to use. This allows you to give read-only access to the tool to your stakeholders, so they can answer their own questions about your IT landscape, freeing up your time to concentrate on your work.
This will be enabled by the artificial intelligence (AI) features we list above, but there are a selection of other capabilities that we've expanded in LeanIX to support the democratization of enterprise architecture. This includes improved dashboards and sharing capabilities.
Technology Radar Report
Our new Technology Radar report will go live later this year, and will empower you to hunt down the technical debt and outdated technology that's holding back innovation within your organization. The report consumes software bills of materials (SBOMs) in order to map and assess your technology and create standards for your engineering teams.
To find out more, read our documentation.
Visualizing your enterprise architecture with minimal time and effort is vital for involving and engaging all your stakeholders, regardless of their technical ability. To support this, you can now create, annotate, combine, and share reports and diagrams from within LeanIX, without the need to export into other applications.
To find out more, read our documentation.
Use Case Focus
Enterprise architecture data can be expansive and only small sections will be relevant to each of your stakeholders. To help make your data more manageable, our new use-case focus views will narrow users' field of vision to just the specific information that's related to what they're working on.
Architecture Decision-Making
SAP LeanIX now includes the ability to document on architecture decisions with data elements from our workspace, to aid collaboration. You can organize these for your colleagues to find, and also retain and reference past decision using artifacts in order to accelerate future strategizing.
Keep an eye on our public roadmap for all the exciting innovation releases coming soon!
Learn More About LeanIX
LeanIX has always been an essential tool for enterprise architects working to maintain a competitive edge in their organization's technology landscape. As an SAP company, we're now a key part of a business transformation toolset, as well as a powerful platform in ourselves.
Our new features were designed to spread the use of LeanIX beyond just the enterprise architecture function, to make our products - and enterprise architects - a vital part of wider business strategy. By democratizing enterprise architecture, LeanIX is evolving into an essential collaboration tool.
To learn more about the new functionality being added to LeanIX very soon, book a demo: