Continuous Transformation Blog

Enterprise Excellence: Harnessing Business Capability Maps for Strategic Success

Written by Vijay Mandeep | October 14, 2024

Business capability maps are a vital resource for enterprise architects to align strategy with business operations and drive business performance. Let's explore how SAP LeanIX empowers you to leverage best-practice guidance to build and optimize your business capability map.

To accelerate business transformation, organizations must build a critical link between IT and the rest of the business. Software applications need to be contextualized by their value to the business, rather than their technical fit.

The best way to achieve this is to build a business capability map of all the operations that your organization needs technology support with. This will allow you to assign applications to each capability, so your operations are supported without overlap or overspend.

To ensure your map doesn't have any blind spots or unnecessary operations, you need to align it with best practices. Where can you turn for guidance in building a comprehensive business capability map?

For support in optimizing your business capabilities and application portfolio, the SAP LeanIX' built-in reference catalog includes industry specific best-practice business capability maps. To preview our business capability map, download a copy:

DOWNLOAD:  Your Comprehensive Business Capability Map

Mapping Business Transformation

To complete any business transformation, you need to ensure that you don't leave any part of your business behind. It can be costly to transition your entire organization over to a new platform, only to realize a business-critical operation hasn't been accounted for and you need to maintain two systems at once.

Perhaps you're transitioning your customer relationship management (CRM) operations from Act! to Salesforce. If you found out at the last moment that some of your data wasn't compatible with Salesforce, you may be forced to renew your subscription to Act! to retain your customers.

To avoid this, you need to ensure that your transformation plan covers every aspect of your operations. You need a checklist of all the different business capabilities that need to be considered in your transformation, and preferably one that's compiled by experts outside of your organization to offer a fresh perspective.

To support you, we've expanded the business capability mapping functionality within SAP LeanIX with greater flexibility, customization, and detail. Expand the value of your business capability maps with tailored best-practice reference architecture designed by industry experts.

Reference Business Capabilities

As part of SAP, we can directly import information into SAP LeanIX from the SAP reference architecture repository. This library includes a huge number of example and template business capability maps for every industry and enterprise circumstance.

These maps are based on SAP's 50 years of experience working with companies across all industries. As such, this best-practice guidance is of tremendous benefit to any organization, whether they use SAP software or not.

With our renewed and improved business capabilities in our reference catalog, business capability fact sheets will be created for your application portfolio within your SAP LeanIX workspace. These will be linked to the relevant reference point within the SAP reference architecture library. 

The new color-coded landscape view allows you to easily review, select, and import further business capabilities from the reference business architecture. The new view helps you better understand the structure and relevance of the business capabilities before importing.

You can also manually link existing items to the relevant entry in order to build a comprehensive, tailored business capability map to support your transformation. This will ensure that you're keeping up with your competitors and your industry's best practice.

The Benefits Of Reference Business Capabilities

The reference catalog empowers you to build best-practice business capability maps that leverage SAP's 50 years of industry experience, but what does that mean for you? Beyond this high-level advantage, there are immediate and concrete benefits to that information.

Building any business architecture from an industry-specific, best-practice template will always be faster and less effort than starting from scratch. This gives your teams more time to focus on strategic planning and execution rather than building up the groundwork.

This is even more important as the market changes and technology evolves. Since the business capabilities in our reference catalog are continuously updated, you can rest assured that you have the guidance you need to update your landscape to match best practice.

This empowers you to adapt and optimize your architecture to succeed, no matter how the market changes. It's like having expert consultation on-hand at all times, and all included with your SAP LeanIX package.

How SAP LeanIX Can Help

SAP LeanIX admins can now import best-practice information from our reference catalog into their existing application information repository with a single click. With this information at your fingertips, you'll be able to create and optimize architecture in record time.

This will empower you to transform your business in whatever way you need to in order to thrive in a turbulent market. This is just one of the exciting features we're adding to the SAP LeanIX platform.

To find out more about using SAP LeanIX to build and optimize your business capability map, book a demo: