The classic change process works in phases. Understand that you need your early adopters to become the majority, and understand that the change is not persistent until it has reached at least some of the laggards. Your role as an EA is to change the mindset of people.
In order to climb this mountain, there is no alternative than to create business value early on. Sustainable coalitions are built on tangible successes. Otherwise, organizational priorities and politics will become insurmountable obstacles.
And finally, be prepared that things will change. People leave companies, technology becomes obsolete. Do you really believe that a five-year plan can help you?
The low hanging fruits on the way to digital excellence are typically the following:
Talk to an architect about this question and he will answer: What is the definition of applications? What is the business? In order not to lose too much time here, find the right people in the business who can answer this question. Use their view on the IT as a starting point, and find a simple model to create transparency on this view. This is where the business support matrix comes in extremely handy.
Once you have gathered a first understanding of the business view on the IT applications, you will be able to come up with a first shot of user group and business capability classification. Add a high-level assessment of the business criticality, the functional fit and the technical fit of the application, and you get an invaluable communication instrument for both business and IT to spot improvement opportunities at a glance.
A business support matrix helps you achieve a transparent overview of your IT landscape
You know the reality of IT landscapes. Every time you start dealing with strategic projects, an operational question distracts your attention.
OS updates, urgent business support requests from an unknown group, technological emergencies or urgent projects to cut costs by removing redundancies are only a few examples that every EA knows too well. Escape the rat race by identifying these issues proactively before they can distract you. Let us look at the examples above:
OS or major database updates distract you because you don’t know which applications are affected. Once you figured out for your top business applications what major technology they rely on - don’t go into any detail here - you can make decisions proactively instead.
Urgent requests of business support typically hit you from the blue. Again, you can take the driver seat once you have compiled your business support matrix. Look at white spots and talk to the business how critical they are. In particular, try to get an assessment from your business, which user groups and capabilities are most important, and focus on the related white spots.
You can deal with typical cost-cutting requests in a similar manner. All the information you require is in the business support matrix. Just identify the low-hanging cost savings before somebody else does.