Diagram To Data: Leveraging AI’s Greatest Capability

Posted by Neil Sheppard on March 18, 2025
Diagram To Data: Leveraging AI’s Greatest Capability
Diagram To Data: Leveraging AI’s Greatest Capability

SAP LeanIX with AI can analyze your enterprise architecture diagrams and enable you to populate your information repository with extracted architectural elements. Discover this powerful new EA feature.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is a revolutionary technology that will change the face of enterprise, but that future is already here. Previously unimaginable capabilities can now be leveraged within SAP LeanIX.

We’re excited to announce the release of the most exciting AI capability we’ve created so far: inventory builder. You can now upload your architectural diagrams, graphics, and images into SAP LeanIX and have our advanced AI extract the relevant information and relations, which can be used to create application fact sheets within your repository.

It’s simple to explain how it works, but challenging to grasp just how beneficial this is for enterprise architects. Let’s explore the immense potential of this new, essential capability

Our new inventory builder tool leverages AI to turn your architecture diagrams into data you can utilize within SAP LeanIX. To discover more about this powerful new capability, book a demo:

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The Challenge For EA Data Maintenance

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a remarkable tool for gathering and interpreting large amounts of data. This can be immeasurably beneficial for enterprise architects.

Whether you’re setting up an enterprise architecture practice for the first time, maturing your EA work to gain more value, or carrying out a business transformation project, it’s vital to bring all your data together into one place before you start. With fragmented EA information, you lose any ability to surface holistic insight or gain a common viewpoint across stakeholders to enable collaboration.

Gartner analyst, Manasi Sakpal,warned against the dangers of poor quality data:

“[Data and analytics] leaders must take pragmatic and targeted actions to improve their enterprise data quality if they want to accelerate their organizations’ digital transformation. Every year, poor data quality costs organizations an average USD 12.9 million.”

The longer your data remains fragmented or outdated, the more you’re losing out on leveraging its value for business transformation. That’s why getting your enterprise architecture information into a central repository quickly is the key to success.

This, however, is challenging as enterprise architects deal with vast amounts of disparate information from across your entire IT landscape. Even if you have this information stored across your landscape, transferring it into a central repository is still time-consuming.

Perhaps most challenging of all are the issues of data formatting. Even if you have all your data in one place, how can you utilize it if it’s divided between Excel spreadsheets, ArchiMate diagrams, and emails?


Bringing Your Data Together With AI

Our users know that SAP LeanIX can ingest all of your data from Excel spreadsheets, configuration management databases (CMDB), and any number of other systems to compile it into a single format in a single data repository. Once it’s in the same place, it’s easy to surface deep insights and showcase and evidence these to your stakeholders.

Yet, what about diagrams? A great deal of enterprise architecture information is stored within visualizations, ArchiMate or otherwise.

Getting that information into other enterprise architecture tools is a painstaking, manual process. However, leveraging the latest artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, you can now upload diagram information into SAP LeanIX, just as you would an Excel spreadsheet.

Our AI can then analyze that diagram and interpret the information, enabling you to convert parts of your IT landscape into fact sheets in SAP LeanIX. This removes the manual extraction that is typically required to translate diagrams into architectural artifacts in your inventory.

This drastically improves the productivity of EAs who would much rather be working on high-value, strategic objectives and collaborating with stakeholders. Once stored in a consistent format and organized so it can be found easily, SAP LeanIX can output the information in reports, dashboards, and clear visual diagrams.

Inputting diagrams to create diagrams may seem redundant, but the benefits are staggering. From disparate, fragmented, and overlapping diagrams, you’ll now be able to find any information you could need in one, single system, in raw, dashboard, report, or visual format, based on real, live data.

Before, your stakeholders might have to approach you to find the answer to a question and you’d have to dig around in an uncategorized Sharepoint site to find a two-year-old, hastily-put-together Word doc to answer their query. With SAP LeanIX, your stakeholders can simply have our system create a diagram based on live data for whatever they need instantly.

With inventory builder, moving from disorganized, resource-intensive chaos to structured and automated enterprise architecture efficiency is also an automated process. With the ability to upload diagrams along with your other information, you can now automate building your data repository with any kind of input.


Introducing Our AI Inventory Builder

Our new artificial intelligence (AI) powered inventory builder is now available to SAP LeanIX users. This revolutionary capability allows enterprise architects to upload architecture diagrams for our AI tool to parse, and then the information can be added to their SAP LeanIX instance.

Simply open the tool within SAP LeanIX and drag and drop your diagram files into the inventory builder. Within seconds, our AI will assess the images and identify a wealth of information about your architecture.

The inventory builder will list all the points of information that it retrieves from the diagrams, then you can add context to improve and hone the results. The analysis can be pushed to an inbox that enables the user to select which extracted artifacts to add to the inventory

Created fact sheets will then be immediately populated with the information from your diagrams. This will include application types, relations, business capabilities, data objects, custom fact sheet types, and dependencies.

This empowers you to add any and all of your enterprise architecture information to SAP LeanIX, making it a single source of truth for your enterprise architecture. Empowered by this new capability, you can transform your enterprise architecture function from a chaotic and extemporaneous one-off process to a well-oiled machine.


Experience The Power Of Our AI Inventory Builder

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an immensely powerful tool for taking enterprise architecture to the next level. By processing vast amounts of information, it can act like a team of omnipresent data scientists reporting back to your stakeholders on your IT landscape.

Perhaps the greatest capability of AI, however, is its talent for converting information from one type to another. By taking visual information and transforming it into data, it can derive insights from sources that were previously unintelligible to automated systems.

SAP LeanIX can then store that data and use it to generate live diagrams in a standardized format to drive stakeholder engagement and get everyone on the same page for your EA projects. This is only the beginning of the AI magic we’re utilizing within SAP LeanIX.

Our new inventory builder tool leverages AI to turn your architecture diagrams into hard data you can utilize within SAP LeanIX. To discover more about this powerful new capability, book a demo:

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